Tuesday, March 26, 2013

the apple and the tree and all that jazz

I think I've mentioned before that Jordan is becoming increasingly expressive. Her nonsensical statements are given context by her emphatic inflections; her facial movements convey meaning almost as effectively as real words would. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by my daughter's newfound deliberate and exaggerated use of eyebrow, since her mother uses this facial tool as much, as often, and as vehemently as her own vocabulary.

I couldn't tell you why in the heck I'm making that face, how Sean caught it on camera, or why I found it in his "Favorites of All Time" pic folder. I look pissed, and it seems like I have a lazy eye. I can tell you that the top right was procured by asking Jordan to do her "frown face" and the bottom right...probably because I wouldn't put the super spicy salsa on Jordan's chip at the Mexican restaurant we were at.

Anyway, Jessie:brow expressions as Italians:empathic hand gesturing, so do enjoy the following fruits of Jordan being exposed to an overly demonstrative mother on the daily.*

Sean insists that when he was labeling this video for me, the auto-correct inserted "expresive." Mmhm. It did not go unnoticed or unpunished.

*I totally get if you don't want to waste your time on someone else's home video that she thinks is the bees knees. In case you do: the first 20-30 seconds is where the gold is. I don't know what she's going on about.