Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Long weekends are so very few and so very far between. You know it's been a memorable one when Tuesday morning comes and you cannot bear the thought of getting up to shower and go into work. This morning: definitely unbearable. Much email/instagram/pinterest/bloglovin' procrastination was had by all. All Jessies. We played hard this weekend, and all that's left is a mammoth mountain of sandy towels to be washed, a well-used cooler to be drained, and a sinkful of neglected dishes. Sigh and grumble.

This is basically what the weekend looked like

oversized fun for the whole family

Sean's sweet sister came and spent the weekend with us. Jordan got some serious aunt time in, in the forms of sandcastle destroying and yoga by the pool

One of my besties Meg (above left) and her husband Danny came in to town and we spent the whoooole weekend with them: beaching, pooling, laughing, drinking, charading (as in, we played Charades, not like we were pretending to have fun. Charades is particularly hysterical when certain male husbands *Danny* guess He's Just not that into You when the only word on the table so far is "that.")

We had friends over for a pool party and dinner on Sunday. Sean, Danny and Jacob have already signed some kind of contract in blood and beer splatters that they are all going to Vegas together this summer, and Jessie, Meg and Kate talked pregnant and babies and upcoming Texas transfer. Jordan and Jake talked...little intelligibly, on my daughter's part anyway.

But there was this. This is "Jake, can you smile?"
Which is funny because this
is "Jordan can you smile?"

We capped it off yesterday with another beach excursion ("yayyyy beats!!" and "hiiii beats!" all around) and wrapped up at my aunt and uncle's with a BBQ at their just-built-from-the-ground-up beach house with a view that only dreams are made of. The Maltese Falcon of beach houses, if you will. I didn't pull my phone/camera out for a second the whole day, so I didn't snap a pic, but this is their view as seen at their daughter's wedding last summer

We watched the sunset, philosophized over wine, had delicious food and indulged in homemade spice cake. Basically, pinch me. 

Because now it's Tuesday, and it's all a Memorial Memory. The great thing about Memorial Weekend is it kicks off the summer. As huge and eventually uncomfortably pregnant as I will shortly be, I know this will be one for the books. Come at me, Summer 2013.


  1. Best weekend ever, truly. I may or may not have cried when I got in the car to leave #notdramaticatall

  2. Now that sounds like a good weekend.

    And you do the same thing I do every morning... pull myself out of bed then sit there for as long as possible on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, e-mails, and Bloglovin'. Kindred spirits.

  3. It sounds like a fabulous and busy weekend. I'll bet you hated seeing this morning arrive.

  4. I told you *that* I loved playing games because I know my wife.

    1. haha Danny, I was so very impressed with you over that one. Either you're a great husband and indulge your wife with the chick flicks or...you have an affinity for romcoms?

      So much fun having you guys. Whyyyy do you live so far?

  5. the only reason i came to work on tuesday was to see your beautiful face and coffee. well and i guess to make that money since blake expects it. so demanding.
    also- i love jordan's bathing suit. soooo cute!

    1. Old Navy, $8 lady! Isn't the tutu to die for?

      You tell Blake I don't approve of his slave-driving tendencies. All you should have to do is bum around your cute apartment looking hot.
